
Labour Deputy Chief Ripped to Pieces for Call to Ban Tommy Robinson From YouTube

Former leader and founder of the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson seen on screen, as he addresses an EDL protest over a TV program, outside the BBC building in Salford, England, Saturday Feb. 23, 2019.
In the latest video on his YouTube channel, the British right-wing campaigner and adviser to UKIP blasted the media for trying to silence anyone who opposes their “globalist” agenda, urging users to repost the clip before his account is terminated.

Tom Watson, second-in-command at the Labour Party, has called on YouTube to boot right-winger Tommy Robinson, aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, from their platform, shortly after the EDL founder and UKIP adviser was permanently banned from Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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In a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Watson asserted — referring to the first bans — that it is "quite clear from the comments threads on stories documenting this decision, Yaxley-Lennon supporters are transferring over their virulent hate to YouTube". He then went on to distinctly formulate his request:

"I am now writing to implore you as a matter of utmost urgency to follow the lead that has been, belatedly, set by Facebook, and remove forthwith all 'Tommy Robinson' and related pages from your YouTube platform", Watson said, adding Robinson’s “virus” could pass on to “countless” other users and urging the media platform not to ignore “their social responsibilities”.

Earlier, on Wednesday, Damian Collins chairman of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, also called for Robinson to be shut down online:

"Far-right groups are exploiting social media to spread their messages of hate, and the YouTube 'next up' feature helps them by directing viewers to even more of this content once, as soon as, they start to engage with it", Collins was quoted by British media as saying.

Responding to the move, Robinson contended in his latest YouTube video that “the corrupt media and establishment” were attempting to “silence any opposition to their globalist plans”.

"I've breached no laws of Facebook, everyone is going to know that I've breached no rules, what I've done is shown people the truth and that is what they are removing, the truth. People will still find me", Robinson said, with numbers of his online subscribers joining in the choir of support.

To trace down YouTubers that illegally promote messages of hate for this or that social group, the platform uses a so-called “strikes” system, giving offending users a warning. It then removes the specific video, while a three-strike mark leads to the channel being terminated altogether if regulations are not properly met.

Robinson’s supporters flooded the comment section below the news links on Twitter, referring to “the rotten thing that Tom Watson is doing here”:

One even suggested Watson “has some dodgy skeletons in his cupboard” if he’s attacking the activist like this:

However, the idea of “freedom of speech” being mercilessly attacked is apparently the most recurrent one in the comments threads:

Some even suggested that Watson is a “coward”, as he is lashing out at “a working class guy and “not the most eloquent chap in the world”, who, incidentally, has no real issues with Islam:

Another invited “total liar” Watson to publicly voice at least “one example of his [Robinson’s] hate speech”:
