
Amazon Under Fire Over Jackson Child Costumes Amid ‘Paedophile’ Uproar – Reports

While entertainers are refraining from playing the "King of Pop's" songs on radio stations and a “Simpsons” episode with him being pulled in wake of the recent paedophile accusations brought up in the explosive HBO documentary, it’s still possible to acquire his iconic costumes on the online retail giant’s website.

Furious parents have lashed out at Amazon over the discovery that they are still selling Michael Jackson-themed costumes for 7-9-year-olds, featuring the “King of Pop’s” stage outfits, despite fresh child abuse claims levelled against him, the Daily Mail reports. The disturbed parents called the offer “chilling and offensive”, asking that it be removed from the online store.

The list of outfits includes the Red Thriller jacket, as well as $25-sets of a Value Military or Bad Buckle jacket with a sparkling glove. 

The newspaper cites 48-year-old researcher and writer Wendy Roberts, who branded Amazon’s offer “distasteful”.

“It shows a total lack of respect… Amazon should take these costumes down now. It's chilling to see them. They need to be much more aware about what they are selling. Children's outfits for a man who is strongly accused of being a paedophile is terrible”, she told the outlet, noting that one of her children had such an outfit several years ago, but she threw it away over the recent allegations.

A mother-of-two from Leicester called the sale Michael Jackson-related merchandise terrible. 

“It's totally unacceptable to sell Michael Jackson child's outfits when so many abuse allegations are being levelled against him… Surely with it being such a huge organization, it can do something to take this down and monitor anything Michael Jackson related”, she said.

HBO’s documentary about Jackson “Leaving Neverland” features two men, both of whom knew Jackson as little boys, who have accused the late pop music icon of sexually abusing them. Following the release, which caused an outcry among Michael Jackson fans and critics alike, the star's daughter Paris Jackson has taken to Twitter to speak out.

READ MORE: Users in Their Feelings as Drake 'Mutes' Michael Jackson Amid Leaving Neverland

Several artists, TV shows and radio stations have banned Michael Jackson’s music and his image. The Los Angeles Lakers decided to replace Jackson’s “Beat It” song with hits from Nirvana and Chuck Berry as part of their in-game entertainment. “The Simpsons” has also removed a vocal performance by MJ from the 1991 episode Stark Raving Dad, which will no longer be broadcast on TV or streamed online. Several major radio stations have also stated that they will be banning Jackson’s music.

The deceased singer’s life has been a subject of much speculation in the media and courtrooms due to paedophile allegations. In 2005, Jackson was found not guilty on four counts of molesting a minor, four counts of intoxicating a minor to molest him, one count of attempted child molestation, and one count of conspiring to hold a boy captive at his Neverland Ranch in California.
