Breaking news, as well as the most pressing issues of political, economic and social life. Opinion and analysis. Programs produced and made by journalists from Sputnik studios.

Why There's No Stopping White Supremacy

Algerian President Bouteflika's political future; The legacy of Shirley Graham DuBois; 40 Years in Solitary: The Story of Albert Woodfox

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dr. Gerald Horne, Moores Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston, to talk about the ongoing political protests against longtime Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the political and economic vacuum that would result if Bouteflika is removed from office and France's colonial legacy in West Africa.

We continue or conversation with Dr. Horne talking about the contributions of and the need to "rewrite" Shirley Graham DuBois, the work of the DuBois' in Ghana, Egypt, and China, the intersection between intellectual, political and creative thought, the importance of Freedomways magazine, and what allowed for the rise of the British driven slave trade in the 15th century.

In a special third segment "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by former Black Panther and political prisoner Albert Woodfox to discuss his new book "Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary Confinement, My Story of Transformation and Hope," the brutal and racist conditions inside Louisiana's infamous Angola Prison and how the prison industrial complex serves as yet another site of capitalist exploitation.

Later in the show, Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dane Figueroa Edidi, a Black, Cuban, Indigenous, Nigerian trans woman, performance artist, and playwright to talk about white supremacy after the New Zealand mosque shooting, a shooting on a tram in Utrecht, Netherlands, the celebrity college entrance scandal, Beto O'Rourke's very privileged background, and why so many people are not excited to vote for Democrats.

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