
School Bus Comes Under Fire in Aleppo District, Two Children Dead

Previously, media reported that a sniper had attacked both military and civilians in az-Zahraa, a small town located northwest of Aleppo, while militants in Al-Rashidin had carried out mortar shellings.

"The child died from a sniper's bullet as a result of shelling by militants of a school bus in an-Nauras square near az-Zahraa", the Ikhbariya broadcaster reported citing its correspondent.

Later, the head of the Russian Center for Syria Reconciliation said that a second child died following the sniper attack.

"As a result of the attack, a twelve-year-old boy was killed, while an eight-year-old girl and a teacher accompanying the children were seriously wounded. The girl later died in hospital," Maj. Gen. Viktor Kupchishin said at a news briefing.

One Civilian Killed, 3 Injured After Terrorists Shell Aleppo Suburbs - Reports
The general said that the provocation was aimed at destabilizing the situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone and at disrupting the agreement on the creation of a demilitarized zone.

"In order to give the greatest resonance to their crimes, the militants turned to inhuman terrorist acts, beginning to cynically and purposefully kill children," Kupchishin stressed.

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The Ikhbariya channel reported that militants opened fire on a school bus on al-Nauras square in al-Zahraa neighbourhood.

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Aleppo, which was the largest city in Syria before the civil war erupted in 2011, has witnessed years of intense urban warfare. It was divided between Syrian government forces and various militant groups. The city was freed from terrorists by Damascus troops in December 2016 and is now striving to recover.

However, terrorists still continue to shell Aleppo from the suburbs, killing and injuring civilians, including women and children.
