
Rabbi Claims 'Purim Supermoon' Heralds MESSIAH'S COMING, World's End

The rabbi pointed out that his "end of days" prediction depends on whether Jews keep “repenting” and “keeping everything which God wants them to keep”.

An astral phenomenon known as a supermoon which occurred earlier this week and coincided with the Jewish holiday of Purim may be a sign of the coming end of days, according to Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, whose claims were recently published by the Daily Star.

According to the newspaper, the rabbi pointed at the significance of the supermoon as being mentioned in Torah, having "deciphered codes" within the Book of Genesis and discovering worlds "huge moon", "Purim", "repentance", "Israel", "warning" and "Messiah", which suggest a link between Purim and this lunar event.

"Israel is always compared to the moon. Now the moon is shining, very large. This is an indication that Jews really should begin to shine now. Israel can complete redemption this Purim but this is a warning that it can only happen if they repent", Rabbi Glazerson said as quoted by the newspaper.

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He also claimed that the end of days will occur by 2021, noting that this prediction of his depends on whether Jews keep "repenting" and "keeping everything which God wants them to keep".

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Earlier this year, Rabbi Yekutiel Fish also announced that the total lunar eclipse which occurred in the evening of 20 January and early 21 January is the sign of the impending coming of the Messiah, adding that this phenomenon "clearly tells the Jews that they need to come to Israel".
