
Breasts vs Guns: TOPLESS Women Join Yellow Vests Protests (VIDEO)

A similar type of protests were first observed in Paris in December when five topless women stood face to face with a phalanx of riot police.

As the Act XIX of the so called Yellow Vests protests kicked off across France, a group of bare-breasted women dressed as Marianne, the symbol of the French republic, were seen marching next to protesters in Lille.

The women’s faces and chests were covered in a red substance resembling blood, and some of them were wearing eyepatches – possibly a reference to the injuries inflicted on the protesters by security forces.

​This kind of protest activity was previously observed in Paris on 15 December when five topless ladies dressed in red-hooded tops, their bodies and faces covered with bronze paint, confronted a phalanx of riot police officers.

READ MORE: Topless Women Perform Symbolic Act of Defiance Amid Yellow Vest Protests (PHOTO)

The performance was reportedly staged by artist Deborah de Robertis, who first came to media attention when she exposed her genitals at the Musée d’Orsay in 2014.
