
US Senator Objects to Mueller Report Release Without Details of CIA’s Role

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Release of the entire Special Counsel Robert Muller’s report should be delayed until the release of documents explaining efforts by former CIA Chief John Brennan to use a widely discredited dossier to destroy Donald Trump's presidency, US Senator Rand Paul said in an interview.

"Democrats want the complete Muller report. I’m going to object until we get a complete report of all the Obama-era officials who got this thing [Mueller investigation] started", Paul told Fox News.

Paul had earlier demanded that Brennan is called by Congress to testify under oath whether he pushed for the release of the so-called Steele dossier in an intelligence report for then-President Barack Obama.

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The Trump dossier — compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and partially funded by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign — alleges collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

On Thursday, Paul offered a new narrative to compete with allegations that Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to win the presidency — a storyline rejected in Special Counsel Robert Muller's report.

"Obama’s intelligence community — Brennan, Clapper, Comey — they were frustrated because they had this Russian dossier but nobody believed it was real", Paul told Fox. "It wasn’t verifiable. They couldn’t get anything of it so they sent spies into the Trump campaign to try to entrap Trump officials to admit they were working with Russia".

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James Clapper served as director of national intelligence and James Comey as FBI chief in the Obama administration.

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When no one in the Trump campaign confirmed the Russian collusion narrative, the three intelligence chiefs — reportedly at Brennan’s insistence — "finally they decided to attach the dossier to an intelligence report", according to Paul.

Paul said the dossier would have been stapled to a report prepared for then-President Barack Obama. The senator added that the report would also have been seen by then-President-elect Donald Trump, who began receiving daily intelligence briefings during the transition between the November 2016 election and January inauguration.

At some point, the late Senator John McCain was given the document by someone in the Obama administration "so McCain could give it back to the FBI", Paul said. "It’s a crazy circle, all trying to justify something that wasn’t true".

Paul added context to his narrative by citing media reports that began appearing shortly after Trump won the election.

"They [media reports] were saying that Obama officials were spreading this information throughout government. They were spreading the dossier and they couldn’t get any traction, so then they released it to people outside of government, reporters, who would write a story and then they would say to the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] judge 'look there’s a story being written about this dossier. It must be true'", Paul said.

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Paul was apparently referring to the widely reported use of the Steele dossier by Obama intelligence officials to obtain permission from the secret FISA court to electronically eavesdrop on then-Trump aide Carter Page.

Perhaps the most explosive charge levelled by Paul is that the three US intelligence chiefs — Brennan, Clapper and Comey — "tried to bring down a sitting president".

Paul avoided using terms such as collusion or conspiracy, which typically imply criminal activity. For now, Paul said, releasing the entire Mueller report should be delayed until documents needed to confirm or refute his narrative have been declassified — something that Trump has pledged to do.
