
Prostitute Reveals New Therapy for Curing Sex Robot Addiction

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The courtesan claimed that for the majority of people, sex robots simply cannot provide the kind of really rewarding sex experience that can be attained with a human, and that her "therapy" is aimed at providing people with such "great sex opportunities".

As sex dolls are becoming more and more advanced, and increasingly popular among lonely people all over the world, Roxanne Price, a courtesan from the famous Sheri’s Ranch brothel in Nevada says she now offers "digisexual therapy" to people who are more attracted to sex robots than to other human beings, the Daily Star reports.

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In an exclusive interview with the newspaper, Roxanne explained that she provides this particular service because "it’s easy for people to become confused in today’s sex and dating landscape".

"I think that many people are using various types of easily-accessible technology for sexual stimulation more often than they’re seeking actual sex with another human being, and this is causing some people to prematurely identify as digisexuals", she said. "I don’t want to place judgment on people that identify as digisexuals, but I do want to offer them a nonjudgmental environment where they can truly explore their sexuality with another human being".

She also insisted that most people simply “were never in a situation with another human where they can freely indulge in all of their fetishes, proclivities and deepest desires for fear of being judged”, and that she can provide such experience.

"Once people get it on with a genuinely open sex partner and release long-standing inhibitions, it’s like being reborn. For the vast majority of people, sex robots can’t measure up to a really rewarding sex experience with a human. I’m here to make sure people have those great sex opportunities", the courtesan stated.

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Earlier this month, Brick Dollbanger, the owner of the first Harmony sex doll model in the world, has announced that the robot’s new X-mode app now allows it to actually "mimic human behaviour".
