
Pilot Describes LAST Contact With MH370 Before Mysterious Crash - Report

The pilot said that there was a lot of interference when he managed to establish contact with the Malaysian airliner, and that it wasn’t clear exactly how dire the situation on board of the plane was.

While government agencies and private investigators alike still cannot locate the remains of the ill-fated Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 which went missing five years ago, one pilot actually claimed that he'd managed to communicate with the ill-fated aircraft several minutes after the plane sent its last transmission to air traffic control, the Daily Express reports.

MH370 Sleuth Reveals New Fact About Plane's Satcom Prior to Fatal Turn – Report
According to the newspaper, the pilot, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he was on his way to Narita, Japan, when he managed to establish contact with MH370 after Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh Air Traffic Control requested commercial flights in proximity of the Malaysian Boeing 777 to try and establish communication with the plane.

"The voice on the other side could have been either Captain Zaharie Shah or Fariq Abdul Hamid, but I was sure it was the co-pilot. There was a lot of interference – static – but I heard mumbling from the other end", the pilot said. “That was the last time we heard from them, as we lost the connection".

He also noted that it wasn’t immediately clear exactly how severe the situation on board of MH370 was at that time.

"If the plane was in trouble, we would have heard the pilot making Mayday distress call. But I am sure that, like me, no one else up there heard it", the pilot remarked.

READ MORE: Cops Suspect Link Between Malaysian Envoy’s Death and MH370 Search — Report

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished above the South China Sea while en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur in March 2014, after making a leftward detour and flying toward the Indian Ocean; large-scale search operations launched after the plane’s disappearance have yielded no results.

While the airliner’s disappearance spawned numerous theories about what happened to it and where its final resting place may be, the ultimate fate of the doomed plane still remains unknown at this time.
