
Russiagate Poster Boy Adam Schiff May Lose Intel Clearance Over Constant Leaking

Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee presented Committee chairman Adam Schiff with a letter last week asking him to resign over his "willingness to continue to promote a demonstratively false narrative" regarding collusion between President Trump and Russia despite the release of a report clearing the president of any wrongdoing.

Former Congressman and House Oversight Committee chairman Trey Gowdy says he wouldn't be surprised if intelligence agencies stop providing California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff with access to intelligence briefings over his constant leaking and unfounded attacks against Donald Trump.

"I think the next thing that's going to happen is the different intelligence entities are going to say, 'you know what, Chairman Schiff, if you don't believe the information we provide to you, if you prejudge the outcome of investigations, if you [want to] have the president of the United States not just indicted but in jail, and you continue to leak like a screen door on a submarine, we're going to quit giving you information,'" Gowdy said, speaking to Fox News.

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"That's when [House Speaker Nanci] Pelosi will replace Adam Schiff with someone like [Connecticut Representative Jim Himes, who is every bit as progressive, [but] just a lot smarter and a lot more reasonable," he added.

The former congressman, who left Congress in January, agreed that the letter demanding Schiff's resignation was unprecedented in his experience. "We had a lot of bad days the eight years I was in Congress, but we never voted to remove or ask a chairperson to step down," Gowdy recalled.

"Adam is a deeply partisan person. He did everything he could to make sure Hillary Clinton became president. And he's done everything he could to keep a cloud over the Trump presidency," Gowdy said, emphasizing that the Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee asking for Schiff's departure were reasonable in arguing that they've "lost confidence" in Schiff's "ability to lead."

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In their letter, lawmakers blasted Schiff for his recent actions being "incompatible" with his duty as the Committee's chairman, whose obligation and authority it is to "provide effective oversight of the US intelligence community."

The letter came on the heels of the release of a summary of the two-plus year-long collusion probe by FBI special counsel Robert Mueller, which concluded that Trump did not collude with Russia during the 2016 presidential election, and recommended no further indictments. US Attorney General William Barr promised to release a redacted version of Mueller's 400-page report later this month.
