The footage was shared on Wednesday, with Parkhomenko writing in the caption “I’ve obtained new footage of Mitch McConnell standing up for America.”
He again promoted the tweet a day later, noting that the video got 368,000 views overnight and suggesting that “Mitch McConnell does not want you to let this video get up to 1,000,000 views.”
The tweet was met with angry reactions from users, who mostly brought attention to the fact that Mitch McConnell had polio as a child and his leg is partly paralysed as a result. “Where is our empathy and compassion,” asked Meghan McCain, the daughter of the late Sen. John McCain who died last year, adding that the video was “gross and heartless.”
Other tweets expressed displeasure as well.
READ MORE: McConnell Blocks Dems Motion for Bill Calling on DoJ to Release Mueller Report
Parkhomenko reacted to the outrage with a tweet saying that he would not delete the tweet “until Mitch stops trying to take away coverage from those with pre-existing conditions or…in general.”