
Middle East Shows Mixed Reaction to US Move to Put Iran's IRGC on Terrorist List

The Middle East countries have reacted to US President Donald Trump's announcement that designates Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization.

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry welcomed on Monday the US decision to recognize Iran's Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, becoming the first Arab country to commend the step.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain welcomes the decision of the United States of America to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. The Ministry stresses the importance of this decision in addressing the dangerous role played by the IRGC as a destabilizing force and the main contributor to the spread of violence and terrorism across the Middle East and the entire world," the statement said.

The ministry added that Manama appreciated the US "relentless efforts… in confronting Iran’s hostile and terrorist activities and its negative interference in the internal affairs of the region’s countries."

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According to the statement, Bahrain expects the international community to take action "to pressure Iran to halt its support for terrorist organizations and militias, to respect the independence and sovereignty of states and to immediately stop undermining peace and security at the regional and international levels."

The relations between Tehran and Manama have been strained for decades. Bahrain broke diplomatic ties with Iran in January 2016 after an attack on the Saudi diplomatic mission in Iran. Bahrain’s leadership has repeatedly accused Iran of supporting the opposition Shiite community of the kingdom and supplying Shiite groups with explosives and weapons to attack the security forces.

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Yemen Hails US Decision

The Yemeni Foreign Ministry hailed the US decision, saying it will have a positive impact on the region's security, Saba reported on Monday citing the statement by the ministry.

According to the ministry quoted by the government-controlled Saba news agency, the US decision will have a positive impact on the peace in the whole world, making Iran stop destabilizing security in the region and interfering in the internal affairs of Arab countries.

The ministry also called on the international community to exert pressure on Iran to ensure that it respects its obligations as a UN member.

Syria Condemns the Move

At the same time, the Syrian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the US decision, saying that this move represents a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Iran.

"Syria strongly condemns the US decision on the IRGC, which is a flagrant violation of Iran’s sovereignty. The irresponsible step of the US administration was taken in the framework of the US unspoken war against Iran, which essentially serves the interests of the Israeli occupational establishment and the Western colonial project to establish hegemony in the region," the statement, obtained by Sputnik, said.

According to the statement, the US step is actually a "medal of honour" and a recognition of the pioneering role of the IRGC in defending Iran's sovereignty.

The comments were made in wake of US President Donald Trump's announcement that his administration would designate IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization.

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Responding to the US decision, the Iranian Supreme National Security Council accused the US government of supporting terrorism and recognized the US Central Command (CENTCOM) as a terrorist organization.
