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Israeli Election Results Uncertain, How Far to the Right Will They Go?

On this episode of The Critical Hour, Dr. Wilmer Leon is joined by Nicole Roussell, producer for Loud & Clear on Sputnik News.

According to Haaretz, shocking exit polls destroyed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hopes of an easy victory in the Israeli election Tuesday. The exit polls published immediately after voting ended were contradictory: in some, Netanyahu's rival for the premiership, Benny Gantz, held a clear lead, while others showed the two candidates virtually tied.

Most importantly, however, after tallying up the exit polls results for the numerous small parties in the race, it was clear that neither leader would be able to easily assemble a majority sufficient for a ruling coalition among the right- and left-wing blocs, although the numbers do favor the right. What's going in Israel?

US Attorney General Bill Barr says he expects to be ready to release the redacted Mueller report within a week. In a House of Representatives hearing Tuesday, Barr said he is working to make as much of the report public as he can. Barr stressed that special counsel Robert Mueller played no role in crafting his four-page summary to Congress last month. He said he gave Mueller a chance to review the summary letter, and Mueller declined. Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) criticized Barr's summary and said Congress and the American people need to see the full, unredacted report.

In our last segment, we will analyze two stories. The first comes out of an article in The Intercept, titled "As Black Activists Protested Police Killings, Homeland Security Worried They Might Join ISIS." The other story deals with Facebook and Google facing tough questions over white nationalism. Facebook and Google on Tuesday sought to reassure lawmakers that they are cracking down on white nationalism and extremist content online in a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee. With the US history of COINTELPRO, the FBI's counterintelligence surveillance program that focused on civil and human rights activists during the 1950s and '60s, I see a bit of hypocrisy here!


Nicole Roussell — Producer for Loud & Clear on Sputnik News.

Daniel Lazare — Journalist and author of three books: "The Frozen Republic," "The Velvet Coup" and "America's Undeclared War."

Netfa Freeman — Host of Voices With Vision on WPFW 89.3 FM. Pan-Africanist and internationalist organizer intimately involved with political prisoners' causes, from Mumia Abu Jamal to the Cuban Five, and an organizer with Family & Friends of Incarcerated People.

Brian Williams — Co-founder and partner at Wayne and Reed, a tech consultancy and venture builder.

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