
White House to Appeal Ruling Blocking Trump's 'Remain in Mexico' Migration Plan

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The executive office will appeal a ruling by a US federal court in the state of California that blocks the Trump administration's Migrant Protection Protocols, also known as the "Remain in Mexico" plan, which requires migrants to wait in Mexico during their asylum proceedings in the United States.

"A district court has issued yet another nationwide injunction forcing open borders policies onto an unwilling American populace", the White House said in a press release on Tuesday. "We intend to appeal, and we will take all necessary action to defend the Executive branch's lawful efforts to resolve the crisis at our southern border", the White House said.

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On Monday, US federal Judge Richard Seeborg issued a preliminary injunction to block the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" migration policy.

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Earlier on Tuesday, Trump described the court's ruling as "unfair" to the United States. The Trump administration has been making efforts to stop illegal migration into the United States, even threatening to close the southern border.

An estimated 103,000 migrants were apprehended on the southern border for illegal entry into the United States for the month of March, according US Customs and Border Protection statistics released on Tuesday.

Mexican Interior Minister Olga Sanchez Cordero has said if the current migration flow remains unchanged, the number of migrants trying to get through Mexico to the United States will reach 900,000 people by the end of 2019.

READ MORE: No Borders, No Country!: Trump Tweets Amid Migration Row
