
What You Resist Persists: Fox News References AOC 3181 Times in 42 Days

Like an unfortunate person suffering from Tourette’s Syndrome - an affliction that presents itself as a series of uncontrollable public verbal outbursts - Australian-owned media giant Fox News can’t stop talking about US lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

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Right-wing media empire Fox News referenced US lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) 42 days in a row, according to research, for a total of 3,181 unique mentions, leading many to note an editorial ‘obsession' by the staunchly conservative news giant with the Democratic firebrand.

In appearing to be the new Fox Business and Fox News ‘boogeyman' replacement for former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has — unlike her predecessors — deftly handled ongoing ham-handed tactics by conservative lawmakers and media to get her to keep quiet, according to The Guardian.

Not-for-profit media watchdog Media Matters for America researched six weeks of news output by Fox News and its money-related arm, Fox Business, to arrive at the startling figure, as industry observers and pundits increasingly note the obsession with AOC by Australian media oligarch Rupert Murdoch — the owner of Fox News — even as Fox was recently outed as a tool of the Trump administration and the Republican right, according to The New York Times.

While inventing an image of AOC as a radical socialist who seeks to destroy America and the values of that nation's Constitution, Fox and Murdoch are "fighting against dignified healthcare, wages, & justice for all; and turning their firepower on the youngest Congresswoman in history to do it," tweeted the lawmaker on Friday, cited by The Guardian.

By promoting ambitious forward-thinking policies including the Green New Deal, a bill to address human-induced climate-change, Ocasio-Cortez has found herself the preferred target of white conservative ire in the US — including becoming the recipient of multiple death threats, according to reports.
