Fault Lines

Trump Drops Veto Hammer on Congress - Continues Support for Yemen Conflict

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan discuss President Trump's decision to veto a resolution passed by Congress which attempted to end the US role in the conflict in Yemen. Why did Trump feel compelled to use a veto in this instance, and how does this fit in with his other recent foreign policy actions?


Medea Benjamin — Co-Founder of Code Pink | The Impact of WikiLeaks on Geopolitics & President Trump's Yemen Veto

Randi Nord - Co-Founder of GeoPolitics Alert | Why did Trump Veto Congress over Yemen? & Understanding Yemen's Humanitarian Crisis

Tom Luongo — Geopolitical Analyst and Publisher of the Gold Goats 'n Guns Newsletter | Julian Assange, President Trump, and the 2020 Election

For years, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks have presented a direct threat to the entrenched political establishment by releasing official documents and bringing attention to government corruption. Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder of Code Pink, returns to the program to discuss the significance of what WikiLeaks has revealed in the past, analyze Trump's veto regarding the war in Yemen, and talk about how the Trump administration's close relationship with Saudi Arabia has impacted US foreign policy decision making.

President Trump's veto of a Congressional resolution seeking to end US involvement in the current conflict taking place in Yemen is another decision by the administration which is favorable towards Saudi Arabia. Randi Nord, Co-Founder of GeoPolitics Alert, joins today's show to talk about why this decision falls in line with Trump's previous policy moves in the Middle East, the severity of the humanitarian disaster in Yemen, and the need for the Yemeni people to receive aid in order to combat mass famine and outbreaks of cholera within the country.

For the final two segments, the hosts are joined by geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo for a conversation about some of the recent decisions made by the Trump administration and how much damage, especially with regards to foreign policy, President Trump will allow to occur on his watch. How can the American people work to alter the current trajectory of our foreign and domestic policies, and will the 2020 Democratic Primary & General Election offer any serious solutions to these growing challenges?

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