
Jesus Prepared People for END TIMES, Wild Declassified CIA Files Claim

Declassified files from the CIA archives have revealed a book, titled “The Adam and Eve Story”, which was published in multiple editions over years and was widely available, but which conspiracy enthusiasts somehow thought was banned.

Author Chan Thomas made a series of bizarre claims in his book “The Adam and Eve Story”, suggesting that civilisation is wiped out every 7,000 years by “cyclical pole shifts”– a cataclysmic phenomenon which has been foreseen by various people throughout history, including Jesus Christ, Daily Star Online reported.

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Thomas is said to have written that Jesus was not a Biblical prophetic figure, but rather a scholar who trained in India and attempted to help people prepare for the end times, with the last cataclysmic event being Noah’s Flood.

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In yet another wild allegation, the author claimed to have translated Jesus’ last words as he was crucified and wrote that he was speaking the language he had learned in India. He then alleged that when Jesus ascended to heave on Easter Sunday, he was picked up by a “space vehicle”.

While it remains unclear why the CIA classified the bizarre book, things get even weirder when it comes to Thomas himself. He is rumoured to have worked on UFO prototypes in the 1960s for McDonnell Douglas, an American aerospace manufacturing corporation, and to have been a real psychic – at least Reddit users believe so.

He is said to have been employed by Dr Robert Wood, who described Thomas as an “exceptional innovative” man who was a “total out of the box” thinker.
