
Overtime: Trump Retweets Proposal to Add 2 Years to His Term For Mueller Probe

Following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report, the US president slammed his political rivals for starting "the Witch hunt" against him and his supporters in the first place, stressing that the probe had found no collusion with a foreign power and no obstruction of justice.

US President Donald Trump has retweeted a message that suggested adding two years to his term as "reparations" for special counsel Robert Mueller's probe.

"After the best week ever for @realDonaldTrump — no obstruction, no collusion, NYT admits @BarackObama did spy on his campaign, & the economy is soaring. I now support reparations-Trump should have 2 yrs added to his 1st term as pay back for time stolen by this corrupt failed coup", the tweet posted by Jerry Falwell Jr., the director of Liberty University in Virginia, read.

READ MORE: Trump Says Mueller 'Should Not Testify' Before Congress

At the same time, Trump's comment on the issue was more reserved: he criticised his opponents for stealing two years of his presidency with "Collusion Delusion", noting, however, it is impossible to "get them back".

Some Twitterians reacted in support of the president, while others criticised his tweets.

Many users, however, just made fun of the tweet because its original version misspelled the word "stolen" as "stollen", which is a traditional German bread with fruits and nuts in it.

The Mueller Report, published in April, following almost two years of thorough investigation, stated that no collusion took place between President Donald Trump's campaign team and Russia but left the decision on whether Trump interfered with the special counsel's probe up to the US Congress.

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Attorney General William Barr has concluded there was no obstruction of justice, however, Democratic lawmakers, have urged Mueller to testify before Congress, claiming that Barr misrepresented the special counsel's findings.

Russia has repeatedly refuted any claims of interference in the US political system, stating the accusations were made up in order to deflect public attention from actual instances of corruption.
