
17YO Man From 'Yellow Vests Militant Wing' Takes 6 Hostage in France - Reports

A hostage-taking situation is currently underway in Blagnac, north-west of Toulouse in Haute-Garonne, France, according to the broadcaster France 3.

One person have reportedly been freed after a man had taken six people hostage in a tobacco shop. He is allegedly armed and is threatening to open fire at police. The man, who says he belongs to the "Yellow Vests’ militant wing", is demanding that a negotiator be brought in and is warning that he will shoot a hostage if the security perimeter is not distant, France 3 reported.

The hostage-taker, reportedly a 17-year-old boy, has opened fire at police in order to drive them away.

Police have alerted the neighbourhood, asking residents to stay home and close their shutters, La Depeche reported.

"A police operation is underway at the port plan area in Blagnac. Thank you for avoiding the area and respecting the security permimiter", police said on Twitter.

A witness contacted by La Depeche stated that it could be a robbery that went wrong. Terrorism has been dismissed at this stage, according to the authorities.
