
'Chemotherapy is Too Profitable for Big Pharma' Say Supporters of Cancer 'Cures'

In November businessman David Noakes was jailed for supplying an unlicensed medicine to thousands of cancer sufferers. In an EXCLUSIVE interview with Mr Noakes after his release from prison, he said Big Pharma is involved in a conspiracy to block alternative cancer treatments.

David Noakes claims cancer has already been "cured" but the US$200 billion market for chemotherapy drugs is just too profitable for the world's big pharmaceutical companies to allow it to become public knowledge.

Mr Noakes said: "If GcMAF [Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor] was introduced in the NHS it would save 120,000 lives a year. We used it to save 75 percent of people who had stage four cancer. But Big Pharma don't want to cure cancer. It's just too profitable." 

It is possibly the most sensational claim ever made and if true it would be a conspiracy theory on the scale of a Hollywood thriller, but Mr Noakes is not alone in believing it.

​Carl Hardman, who has run Earth Foods in Bournemouth since 1973, said GcMAF was one of a handful of alternative homeopathic cancer cures which were being trashed by the medical establishment.

Is Big Pharma Blocking Alternative Cancer Cures?

He said Big Pharma was determined they would not challenge the dominance of chemotherapy, which he claimed was a failed solution with terrible side effects.

'Chemotherapy is Too Profitable for Big Pharma' Say Supporters of Cancer 'Cures'

Mr Hardman said: "It's all about money to them. Every disease is just another millionaire."

On the internet and on social media there are many websites and accounts promoting GcMAF and alleging a vast medical conspiracy.

So what is GcMAF?

Globulin Component Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF) is a naturally occurring safe, human protein which is found inside five billion people on the planet.

Mr Noakes said: "If you have cancer or 50 other diseases, those diseases can block the production of your GcMAF so they can expand, and if it's cancer you will die of it."

He said by adding GcMAF back into the system of cancer patients, it enabled them to fight their tumours again.

Mr Noakes said: "A lot of people have suspected that the cure to cancer was in the body itself, and it was."

He said: "In the final clinic, the last one they shut down, we were saving 89 percent of people with stage fours. Each year we got better and if it was put in the NHS and monitored by doctors and improved we might completely eradicate cancer with GcMAF."

US Cancer Patient Says She Owes Her Life to GcMAF

Teri Davis Newman, who lives in Illinois, said she was diagnosed with high grade serious carcinoma ovarian cancer and high-grade papillary carcinoma uterine cancer in 2016 and was determined not to take chemotherapy, but to research alternatives.

Ms Newman said: "My sister died of the same cancer 90 days before I was diagnosed. She went the chemo route and they killed her in 11 months, diagnosis to grave. She died from the chemo, not the cancer. She died of a ruptured oesophagus brought on by chemo-induced vomiting and bled to death in front of both of my elderly parents who are in their 80s."

She said: "When I saw how little the chemotherapy did for her and how much she suffered after spending $2.2 million on the toxic crap, I decided I'd rather die than go through that since I didn't see the point of it…Chemotherapy is the most profitable treatment in medicine, they buy the drugs for your chemo treatment for about $5,000 and resell them to the patient/insurance company for $75-$100,000 per infusion. They are not remotely interested in curing cancer, they want to treat cancer. I discovered GcMAF however my insurance wouldn't cover it, so David Noakes gave it to me for free. It saved my life. I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for David and GcMAF. He's a hero and someday the will say his name with the same reverence as Louis Pasteur and Sir Arthur Fleming."

Ms Newman said: "I owe my life to David [Noakes] and GcMAF. David got a raw deal — a total miscarriage of justice."

Mr Noakes said he was working for ING Bank in Belgium when he first heard about GcMAF at a lecture at Ghent University given by Ian R. Crane.

Mr Noakes said: ​"He said it was the cure for cancer…No-one in the UK had heard of GcMAF in 2009, although there had been 32 research papers on it in the American National Library of Medicine. I decided that day I'm going to give up the rest of my life to save people from cancer."

He set up a company called Immuno Biotech, which had laboratories in Cambridge, and began manufacturing and selling GcMAF to online customers around the world.

Mr Noakes said they were raided 14 times, from January 2015 onwards, and on one occasion armed police were involved in a raid at their despatch centre in France.

​Mr Hardman said the medical establishment continues to shun homeopathic treatments and push chemotherapy which he claimed had a low success rate and had terrible side effects.

Mr Hardman said: "It's a disgraceful, inhumane way to treat people."

Mr Noakes said Big Pharma was responsible for drawing up the laws on the licensing of medicines in the UK and he said that was why GcMAF had been refused a licence, making its sale illegal.

Is UK'S MHRA too close to Big Pharma?

Mr Noakes said the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) was funded by Big Pharma and had several key representatives of the pharmaceutical industry on its board.

Mr Noakes said: ​"The big pharmaceutical companies control their own licensing and that is why the MHRA has licensed more than a dozen drugs that kill. Opioids have killed 202,000, Vioxx has killed 149,000 and Avandia — made by Glaxo SmithKline, a British company, killed 83,000 in the USA and they got a $3 billion fine there but in the UK they didn't even get a slapped wrist because GSK has their own directors on the board of the MHRA."   

He said: "GcMAF has no or negligible side effects, while chemotherapy has terrible side effects."

In 2016 the MHRA conducted an inspection of Mr Hardman's shop and warned him against selling GcMAF products.

But Mr Hardman said he still regularly advised cancer sufferers who came into his shop about how they could obtain GcMAF from Japan, Mexico and Israel and he advised people against chemotherapy.

Are Apricot Kernels the Cure for Cancer?

He said there were also other homeopathic cancer treatments which were being deliberately blocked by the MHRA and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Mr Hardman said: "There are several clinics in Mexico where they treat patients with vitamin B17, which is made from apricot kernels, and it cures cancer in 97 percent of cases. But you can't legally sell B17 in the US or in this country. We sell apricot kernels, which is the raw material for it, and I sometimes tell people where they can obtain B17 in Bournemouth if I know they have been diagnosed with cancer." 

The FDA has not approved B17 — which is also known as Laetrile or Amygdalin — but Mr Hardman said it had been used in herbal medicine in countries like Nepal for centuries and had been shown to combat cancer.

Mr Hardman said: "I've been to certain hospitals in Mexico, in Tijuana. But there's about 25 of them now there doing it. There's loads of Americans going over to get cured by vitamin B17….it cures 97 percent of the cancers."

Mr Hardman was involved in bringing 97-year-old Dr Ernesto Contreras, who set up the Oasis of Hope clinic in Mexico, to the UK eight years ago to give a lecture to 208 British doctors about the benefits of B17.

Mr Hardman said: ​"He said he was 97 and he'd been curing 97 percent of all cancers for the last 50 years with apricot kernels. He went through the whole fraud of the pharmaceutical industry and got a standing ovation."

He said: "In the 1970s the American government tried to close down these hospitals in Mexico, just like they're trying to close down Venezuela now. They sent their top biochemists and oncologists there and they looked into it. They came back and told the FDA ‘we can't tell a lie, it is curing 97 percent' and they said 'scrap chemotherapy, get rid of it'. The FDA warned them if they mentioned a word of this they would lose their jobs."

But he said British doctors remain in the thrall of oncologists and the pharmaceutical companies who continue to dismiss homeopathic cures and push chemotherapy.

Mr Hardman said the pharmaceutical companies were determined to "protect their shareholders" and had no ethical qualms about shutting down homeopathic treatments for cancer to protect the chemotherapy drugs market.

'Chemotherapy is Too Profitable for Big Pharma' Say Supporters of Cancer 'Cures'

Mr Hardman said he had a great deal of sympathy for Mr Noakes, who was jailed for 15 months in November 2018 and released from Wandsworth prison in London two weeks ago.

David Noakes 'Regrets' Pleading Guilty

Mr Noakes said he now regretted pleaded guilty.

Mr Noakes said: "I had my three lawyers — my solicitor, my QC and my barrister — all jump on me in a meeting and tell me I had to plead guilty. What I should have done was say ‘I need a day to think about this' and got a second opinion but they pressured me so much that I agreed and I was pretty weak at the time. We've had 33 persecutions carried out on us by the MHRA and when you have become persecuted that much you become very weak."

He said the amounts of money involved in Big Pharma was staggering — they sell drugs worth US$1.3 trillion annually, which is the equivalent of 50 percent of Britain's GDP.

Mr Noakes, who was a UKIP candidate at the 2005 parliamentary election and challenged Nigel Farage for the leadership the following year, said the EU was at the heart of the conspiracy.

Mr Noakes said: ​"The medicines laws are European laws. They're the same across Europe."

He said he had been released from prison on licence until 1 March 2020 but then faced extradition proceedings to France and said he feared dying in a French prison.

Mr Noakes said: "I served my MHRA sentence in Wandsworth, which is one of the worst prisons in England, and they will make absolutely certain I serve 10 years in a prison in a French prison in which I die because they are determined that GcMAF will not replace chemotherapy. GcMAF is the end of chemotherapy. Why would you take chemotherapy when GcMAF is one percent of the cost, 40 times as effective and has no side effects? No-one will ever take chemotherapy again and they make $200 billion a year out of chemotherapy. They charge £40,000 a round for it in the UK."

'Chemotherapy is Too Profitable for Big Pharma' Say Supporters of Cancer 'Cures'

Lynda Thyer, a biomedical scientist who worked for Immuno Biotech on GcMAF, also faces extradition to France in ten days' time even though she was not convicted of any offence in the UK. 

Mr Noakes said there were now 150 peer-reviewed GcMAF scientific research papers in the world's top scientific journals, including one by the prestigious Atomic Bomb Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Nagasaki, Japan.

He said Immuno Biotech had published dozens of papers o its website which he claimed proved GcMAF was not only safe but had proven results in treating cancer.

Immuno Biotech claimed: "We put each production batch through nine tests. Two sterility, one external and independent. Our sterility has always been perfect, and we have supplied 11,000 people with that perfect sterility. We also put it through three activity tests. In the 8th test we put human breast cancer cells in a petri dish, and add human immune system macrophages. Nothing happens. Then we add the latest batch of GcMAF. In three days the cancer cells have been eaten by the macrophages. We have that videoed with time lapse photography."

The Anti Cancer Fund, a not-for-profit group which works with the pharmaceutical industry, says on its website GcMAF is not a "silver bullet" which can cure cancer and claimed "studies that ‘prove' GcMAF's curative powers were conducted by unethical doctors, profiteering clinics and devious healthcare workers.

It added: "Scammers even spun conspiracy theories in which non-existent doctors have been murdered because of their GcMAF knowledge."

When Mr Noakes was jailed in November the MHRA published a statement on its website which claimed he had made £10 million from selling GcMAF, something which he disputes.

The MHRA's Head of Enforcement, Alastair Jeffrey, said: "Our investigation team worked relentlessly to bring David Noakes and his associates to justice, for putting public health at risk through the unlicensed manufacturing and sale of GcMAF products. The product was manufactured using blood plasma that was clearly marked as not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products. We strongly advise people not to use unlicensed products such as GcMAF, which may pose a significant risk to health."

The MHRA responded to Sputnik's request for a comment on the allegations made by Mr Noakes and Mr Hardman.    

MHRA says 'Safety is our Highest Priority'

An MHRA spokesman said: "GcMAF was manufactured using blood plasma that was clearly marked as not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products….patient safety is our highest priority and we will continue to track and prosecute criminals who exploit public health for their own gain." 

The spokesman said all breaches of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012 were subject to assessment by MHRA. 

The MHRA spokesman said: "In order to gain a marketing authorisation for a medicinal product, a manufacturer must apply for a licence. The lack of a manufacturing authorisation, with lack of control over the manufacturing process and the lack of control over source human plasma presents a significant risk to public health." 

He said: "Given the specialist nature of the Agency's work, a proportion of our staff are recruited from, or have past employment in, the pharmaceutical industry. First-hand knowledge and experience of drug development is essential for effective regulation. We have a full and transparent conflicts of interest policy which means that our staff cannot hold any interests in the pharmaceutical industry during their employment with MHRA. In order to gain a marketing authorisation for a medicinal product, a manufacturer must apply for a licence. The lack of a manufacturing authorisation, with lack of control over the manufacturing process and the lack of control over source human plasma presents a significant risk to public health."

The Association of Cancer Physicians told Sputnik they had nobody available to comment on the issues raised in this article.

The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.    
