
Low Blow: Crocodile Bites Fisherman's Penis Off, Kills Him

Commenting on this crocodile attack, local authorities warned people to exercise caution when near waters infested with these dangerous reptiles.

A 27-year-old fisherman in Zimbabwe was castrated and killed in a savage attack by a vicious crocodile, the Daily Star reports.

According to the newspaper, tragedy struck when the victim and his 19-year-old brother were casting their nets and the reptile suddenly pounced upon the man.

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The victim’s body was later recovered from the water, with his penis missing after being presumably bitten off by the croc.

"I confirm the death of a man from Hopley in Harare, who was attacked by a crocodile at a dam in Beatrice", Inspector Tendai Mwanza told local media as local police confirmed this development. "The deceased was in the company of another adult man casting their fishing nets when he was attacked by the reptile".

The authorities also urged locals to exercise caution while near the croc-infested waters.
