
Marine Le Pen Calls for 'Peaceful Revolution' to Return Power to People

MILAN (Sputnik) - Leader of the French National Rally party Marine Le Pen on Saturday called for a "peaceful revolution" to bring power back to Europe and sovereign states at the upcoming European Parliament elections.

"We want to live in our countries as we are. In France as the French, in Italy as the Italians… Today we are signing the founding act of the European peaceful revolution… On May 26, we will give the power back to people," Le Pen said during a rally organised on Saturday in Milan by Matteo Salvini, the head of Italian right-wing political party Lega Nord.

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Le Pen stressed that the demonstrators' main aim was living in Europe that would respect each state's interests.

"Our project is cooperation in Europe among free sovereign nations, in Europe that respects states… Our task is now to write the future of Europe together. It will be the revolution of a common sense in Europe," the French politician said.

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In addition, Le Pen once again pointed out that French President Emmanuel Macron would have to leave his post in case his party does not win the elections to the European Parliament. On 11 May, she also urged the incumbent French leader to resign if his party loses.

The remarks come after on Saturday, Milan is hosting a major rally held under "Italy first! Toward a Common Sense Europe" slogan as its initiator, Salvini, has built a pan-European bloc of right-wing parties ahead of the elections to the European Parliament, in which his party is projected to make some of the most striking gains.

The ongoing demonstration is joined by 11 right-wing European parties' representatives, including Le Pen, Alternative for Germany's (AfD) co-leader Jorg Meuthen and the Dutch Party's for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders.

Le Pen's party may also reach success in the upcoming vote. According to recent Ipsos/Sopra-Steria poll, the National Rally may count on 22 percent of votes, while Macron's La Republique En Marche! party was supported by 21.5 percent of respondents.

From 23-26 May, the European Union will hold elections to its primary legislative body. The new composition of the European Commission and its head will be determined based on the results of the vote.
