
US Plans to Have 355 Battle Force Ships in About 10 Years - Vice President Pence

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United States Navy is planning to add 60 more battle force ships to its fleet, bringing the total to 355 ships in slightly more than a decade thanks to the largest shipbuilding request in 20 years, US Vice President Mike Pence said.

"Actually, the request from the budget — of our budget — would give the United States Navy the resources to buy 12 new battle force ships. We'll fund 55 ships over the Future Years Defense Program, and we'll bring the United States Navy to 355 battle force ships in a little bit more than a decade", Pence said during his meeting with service members, as quoted by the White House late on Monday.

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The US Navy currently has 289 deployable battle force ships.

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The statement comes as the vice president paid a visit to US Naval Air Station Jacksonville, situated in the southernmost US state of Florida.

The Trump administration has requested that $750 billion be allocated for defence spending in the 2020 budget, which is $34 billion more than this year. The proposed defence budget project, in particular, includes funds to purchase 12 battle force ships.
