
Shark Rips 10-Years-Old Boy's Leg Off in New Caledonia - Reports

The child was hospitalised following the shark attack. Prior to that, his father plunged into the water to recover his son but the animal had already maimed the kid, according to RRB radio.

A 10-year-old boy had his leg torn off by a shark on 25 May as the marine predator attacked him while he was swimming with his sister in a restricted zone in Noumea, New Caledonia, Sputnik France reported

In addition to the serious leg injury, the shark tore part of the child's abdomen. 

​According to witnesses, the attacker is likely to be a bulldog shark. 

READ MORE: Shark Kills Man in Australia's Cid Harbor, Third in String of Attacks

New Caledonia, which is located off north-eastern Australia, is a French overseas territory, and shark attacks are a common occurance in the area.
