
Labour MP Savaged by TV Show Audience Member Branding His Party Deluded

The critical comment referred to calls to hold a general election, which have been heard amid the Brexit chaos. While the recent local council and European Parliament elections became a fiasco for Labour as well as for the Conservatives, polls are not pointing to good news for the two parties, either.

Labour MP Barry Gardiner received a grim warning from an audience member during BBC Question Time, who scorned any hopes of success for the Labour Party with harsh words. 

“You bang on about having another general election. But I would say to be careful what you wish for. If you think can win in a general election, you’re deluded”, the man said to the lawmaker. 

Proposals to hold a general election as well as a second referendum on Brexit have been floated as a no-deal divorce scenario with the EU looms. Amid the unfolding chaos, both the Conservative and Labour Parties, which have dominated British politics for decades, suffered severe blows from voters in the recent elections for the European Parliament and local councils. 

READ MORE: UK Liberal Democrats Lead Voting Intention Poll, Conservatives on 3rd Place

Labour’s share of the vote dropped by seven percent during the council vote and lost 10 seats in the EU Parliament. At the same time, a fresh YouGov poll carried out for The Times showed that Labour as well as the Conservatives would both come in third with 19% in a general election. Meanwhile, the latest polling has the Liberal Democrats in first place at 24%, marginally ahead of the second place Brexit Party, with 22%.
