
Golan Heights Ski Resort Releases VIDEO of Alleged Rocket Attack From Syria

Rocket debris damaged one of the ski cables that was not operational at the time of the launch, according to The Times of Israel.

Mount Hermon, a ski resort located in the Golan Heights, uploaded on Sunday footage recorded by a security camera showing a projectile fired from Syria landing near the site a day before.

Billows of smoke can be seen appearing in the aftermath of the incident.

READ MORE: Two Projectiles Launched Toward Northern Israel From Syria — IDF


The video emerged after the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said on Saturday that two projectiles were fired from Syrian territory in the direction of Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights. The Mount Hermon ski resort is located in the Israeli-controlled part of the Golan Heights.

The incident followed the IDF earlier this week reporting that it had launched an attack against a Syrian military target in Quneitra after an Israeli fighter jet was targeted by the Syrian military.

Israel has carried out strikes in Syria over the course of the raging crisis, insisting it targets Hezbollah and Iranian military facilities, though Damascus and Tehran dispute this.
