
Sudanese Troops Begin Dispersing Sit-In Protest Near Khartoum's Army HQ – Report

CAIRO (Sputnik) – Sudanese servicemen began attempts to disperse the sit-in protest near Khartoum's army headquarters on Monday, the Al Arabiya broadcaster reported.

The Central Committee of Sudan Doctors said, as cited by the media, that one person was killed and a number of others were wounded as a result.

According to an eyewitness, security forces have cordoned off streets in central Khartoum.

READ MORE: Military Police Open Fire on Protesters in Sudan's Capital — Correspondent

On Thursday, representatives of the Military Council Governor in Sudan said that the army intended to take action against the camp of protesters in the centre of Khartoum. According to the military, the situation in the square where the sit-in strike was taking place has become a "threat to the country and the revolution". According to representatives of the council, a rapid reaction force vehicle had been attacked and captured there earlier.

Political Forces in Sudan Want to Establish Parliamentary Republic - Opposition
In the square in front of the headquarters of the main command of the Sudanese Army, a sit-in strike has lasted for more than a month. The protesters have been trying to hand over military power to the civilian forces in the country. In recent days, it has been the site of attacks, clashes and shootings.

The Sudanese opposition Forces for the Declaration of Freedom and Change, promoting immediate transfer of power from military forces to civilian authorities, ceased its negotiations with the Sudanese Transitional Military Council (TMC) after protesters were violently dispersed, an opposition leader Siddiq Youssef told Sputnik on Monday.

"We have ceased all kinds of negotiations with the TMC and have launched an action of universal civil disobedience. We confirm that protests are peaceful by nature and we warn that TMC's actions may result in a civil war," Youssef, who is also a member of the Sudanese Communist Party, said.

Sudan experienced a military coup on April 11 following four months of anti-government protests. President Omar Bashir, who had been in power for 30 years, was overthrown and then imprisoned. The Transitional Military Council (TMC) came to power and pledged to hold a new election within two years. However, the opposition did not approve this plan and called on the TMC to immediately hand over power to civilian structures.
