
Report Condemns ‘Genocide’ of Canadian First Nations, Calls for Language Changes

The massive report on Indigenous people in Canada says European colonists conducted a full-fledged genocide against the First Nations. One suggestion for changes includes giving the vast number of indigenous languages an official status.

The recently released report by the national inquiry investigating missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada, says the mass murder of indigenous people of Canada constitutes genocide.

The 1,200-page report and its 46-page supplementary report title "A Legal Analysis of Genocide" says thousands of women were murdered in Canada since the arrival of Europeans. While the report says the colonists killed all Indigenous people, it insists the genocide specifically targeted women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA (LGBT and transgender) people.

"Settler colonialist structures enabled this genocide," the report states, adding that the genocide is intergenerational, "whereby the progeny of survivors also endure the sufferings caused by mass violence which they did not directly experience."

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According to the document, Indigenous people of Canada have to turn to law enforcement agencies in search for legal protections, which are themselves part of the problem.

"They are forced to reach out to institutions that are directly at the heart of significant pain, division, cultural destruction, and trauma experienced in their family," the document says.

The massive document includes 231 recommendations for change, which it names "calls for justice," including a number of social measures that should improve indigenous women's welfare.

One particular "call for justice" suggest Indigenous languages become official in Canada, on par with English and French.

"It should be paramount that it be an official language and recognized right across the country and right across the world for that matter," Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) Chief Bobby Cameron said on the issue.

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According to Statistics Canada data, there are roughly 70 Indigenous languages spoken in the country, which can be divided into 12 distinct language families, according to Global News. It is unclear whether all 70 languages should become official or somehow identified as a single entity, the report says. Currently, Zimbabwe holds the official world record with its 16 official languages.

MMIWG Chief Commissioner and First Nations jurist in British Columbia Marion Buller implored all Canadians to read the report in its entirety, CTV News reported Monday.
