
OUCH! Donald Trump Appears to Snub Theresa May's Handshake

The US president’s handshake peculiarities have come under scrutiny before. Twitter users earlier pounced on the bizarre greeting Trump had for the Queen on Monday, appearing to grasp only the monarch’s fingers in his fist, suggesting similarities to a fist bump.

Footage has emerged of US President Donald Trump appearing to snub a handshake from outgoing UK Prime Minister Theresa May as they met, accompanied by spouses, outside 10 Downing Street.

The video shows the US president walking alongside Melania Trump and May accompanied by husband Philip.

The Conservative leader shook hands with the First Lady, while Philip did the same with Trump.

But when the two heads of state turned to face each other, they stopped short of shaking hands, instead opting for a brief exchange of words before posing for photographs.

As Twitter reacted to the gauche moment, some refused to read anything into this incident, claiming it’s possible the two may simply have avoided shaking hands because their respective other halves had blocked their way.

Others were quick to claim the lack of handshake was on purpose.

This isn’t the first time Trump's handshake has come under scrutiny during the UK visit.

Twitter users pounced on the bizarre greeting the US president had for the Queen outside Buckingham Palace yesterday, when Trump appeared to grasp only the monarch’s fingers in his fist as he was welcomed to the Palace. Photos provoked mockery on social media, where many likened it to a fist bump.

READ MORE: ‘He Makes His Own Rules’: Trump Patting Queen on the Shoulder Inflames Twitter

Trump Goes on Tour to Westminster Abbey as Part of His State Trip to UK (VIDEO)

In another breach of protocol, Donald Trump appeared to have given Queen Elizabeth II a pat her on the shoulder when Her Majesty stood up to toast the US president.

Touching the Queen, especially in such a formal setting, is considered extremely gauche behaviour.
