
Without Trump's Approach on Mexico, Immigration Reform Wouldn't Have Come as Fast - Ex-Rep Candidate

On Monday US President Donald Trump repeatedly threatened to impose tariffs against Mexico if it fails to ratify a part of the immigration deal they recently reached. Entrepreneur and former Republican candidate for the U.S. House in Arizona Sergio Arellano evaluated the POTUS' approach toward the immigration issue in an interview with Sputnik.

Sputnik: The Mexican President has agreed to take many steps in order to avoid tariff threats from President Trump. What role did Trump's approach have on this deal?

Sergio Arellano: Critics have been saying that President Trump should not be praised for having reached a deal with Mexico due to the fact that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was already looking to set an immigration prevention plan. That being said, it could be acknowledged that without President Trump's approach on Mexico, that particular type of reform would not have come as fast. Let us not forget that approximately a month ago President Trump was on the verge of closing the Southern Border.

Sputnik: Trump's tactics on getting deals have been dubbed as 'businesslike'. How applicable is this approach in politics?

Sergio Arellano: Trump is an enigma himself, the fact that he is president of the United States, beating out some of the best and brightest America has to offer should count for something! Trump apparently knows how to cut deals and get things done, I feel it's about time we get someone who shows no fear in the face of adversity,  someone who calls it like it is and pushes back on the same old same old "politics as usual". Some people say "businesslike" I say "adroitness"!!

READ MORE: Trump Threatens to Reinstate Tariffs if Mexico Fails to Approve Portion of Immigration Deal

Sputnik: In your view, how effective has this method been so far?

Sergio Arellano: In some instances Trump's style has fared the country well, he has demonstrated that by bringing North Korea to the table, bringing trade and manufacturing back to the U.S, unemployment amongst African Americans, Latinos and Asians is the lowest it has ever been historically, veterans having more options for healthcare, stock markets booming and he is in the process of securing our southern border. In other instances, politics, as usual, hinders the president's efforts to get things done. New NAFTA agreement is still on hold and so is immigration reform, in these situations the president has not fared so well.

Sputnik: What impact has it had on US credibility and potential trade deals?

Sergio Arellano: I think that the USA still has tons of credibility and an ability to generate even more when it comes to trade. It will be interesting to see if the President can accomplish the aforementioned policy changes and discussions to include our trade war with China, for the benefit of America.

Sputnik: How will this deal impact the situation at the southern border overall?

Trump’s Mexico Tariff Deal Sends ‘Biggest’ Message to China – Sen.

Sergio Arellano: Arizona sees approximately 34 billion dollars in trade come from the Nogales border, at the same time, we have over 12,000 immigrants in custody. We are overburdened and overextended when it comes to resources to manage the influx of trade and immigrants seeking to cross. I think we can all agree that something has to be done, it is not just rhetoric anymore, it has become a humanitarian crisis.  People are dying due to the harsh climate and the dangers associated with crossing illegally, the disease is being brought over and in some cases Ebola has been identified as well. The TSA has now been brought in to deal with the influx of bodies at the border, therefore, causing a shortage of officials at our airports and also causing an additional delay for people choosing to travel via our airlines. These are only a few examples of all that is happening here on our borders. For our sake and the sake of human beings all over, I hope this deal and many more get accomplished very soon.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.
