Fault Lines

What Makes a Politician the Enemy of the Mainstream Media?

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan discuss the characteristics and policies which make politicians adversaries of the establishment mainstream media. Anti-war views and skepticism about corporate interests are popular with many members of the public, but can bring on harsh treatment from the media.


Kani Xulam — Commentator on the History and Politics of Kurdistan | The Kurdish People and Their Challenges with Countries in the Middle East

Phil Giraldi — Former CIA Case Officer and Army Intelligence Officer | Tulsi Gabbard and the Coverage of Her Campaign by the Media

Tim Canova — Law Professor & Former Candidate for Congress in Florida | Mainstream Media Support for Corporate Interests, Attacks on Independent Candidates & 2020 Presidential Politics

Danny Sjursen — Retired U.S. Army Officer and Former History Instructor at West Point | The Whitewashing of War Crimes & Who are the US Allies in the Middle East

The Kurdish people have served as a fighting force for the United States military in the Middle East, but have struggled to find additional political support in their dealings with countries in the region including Turkey. Kani Xulam, a commentator on Kurdish history and politics, joins the hosts in-studio for an in-depth conversation about the geographical distribution of Kurdish people in the region, Kurdish efforts to maintain their culture, the treatment of the Kurds by Turkish President Erdoğan, and hopes for achieving political stability in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria.

Democratic Congresswoman and 2020 Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard has come under attack from politicians and members of the mainstream media for her anti-war foreign policy stances. Former CIA Case Officer Phil Giraldi returns to 'Fault Lines' to discuss Gabbard's foreign policy views, why much of the establishment media has chosen to cover Gabbard's candidacy in a negative light, and how President Trump has betrayed his campaign platform with regards to the handling of international affairs.

Much of the mainstream media shows a great deal of support for large corporate interests, and as a result of this trend, these media outlets tend to be hostile towards politicians and candidates who go against these views. Tim Canova, a Former Candidate for Congress in Florida, faced this type of negative coverage, and he joins today's show to talk about his experience with the mainstream media, the importance of making election integrity a major issue, and the role that the Democratic Party establishment will play in the 2020 Democratic Primary election.

For the final segment, Garland and Lee are joined by Retired U.S. Army Officer Danny Sjursen to discuss the danger of making the whitewashing of war crimes an acceptable practice and how support for the armed forces is often used as a political tool. They also talk about the countries that the United States is allied with in the Middle East and the brutal nature of some of these regimes.

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