Fault Lines

Is Ruling Class Propaganda Manipulating YOUR View of Global Events?

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan talk about how the political establishment and intelligence agencies manipulate narratives to shape public perception on major stories. RussiaGate had several fictitious angles that gained traction, and now the 'White Helmets' have even made their way into a popular video game.


Patrick Henningsen — Journalist & Founder of: 21stCenturyWire.com | The DOJ Charges Against Julian Assange & The US-UK Relationship

Vanessa Beeley — Investigative Journalist | The Latest on Syria & Propaganda Influence of the 'White Helmets'

Daniel Lazare — Journalist & Author | Fallout from the Mueller Report & The Influence Intelligence Agencies have on Politics

The United States Government is hoping to extradite WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange from the United Kingdom to the the US to have him face the charges he has been hit with by the US Department of Justice. Patrick Henningsen, the Founder of 21stCenturyWire.com, joins today's show to discuss the likelihood that the DOJ charges against Assange will actually pan out, the coalition of people supporting Julian Assange, Mike Pompeo's recent remarks about Jeremy Corbyn, and how the issue of anti-semitism has damaged the UK Labour Party.

Violence and fighting have raged for years in Syria as al-Qaeda affiliated groups in the country have been targeted and militarily taken out by the Syrian government. Investigative Journalist Vanessa Beeley returns to 'Fault Lines' to talk about the latest military actions in Syria, what has been happening in the city of Idlib, the cultural significance and propaganda influence of the 'White Helmets,' and how the ruling class works to manipulate narratives on global events.

The end of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation should have put many of the unsubstantiated RussiaGate theories to bed as no collusion was revealed throughout this lengthy and wide-ranging process. Journalist & Author Daniel Lazare joins Garland and Lee for the final two segments of the show for a conversation about the evidence put forth in the Mueller Report, the timeline surrounding Guccifer 2.0, the credibility of both Robert Mueller and WikiLeaks, Joseph Mifsud's connection to Western intelligence networks, and how intelligence agencies are able to influence domestic politics.

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