
Unknown Vandals Put Swastika on Argentine Holocaust Memorial

A spray-painted swastika was found on a Holocaust memorial in the northeastern Argentine city of Resistencia amid a wave of anti-Semitic incidents in the country in recent months.

The sign was painted on the Monument to Humanity which commemorates, among other victims, Irene Schwimmer de Korytnicki, the last survivor of the Holocaust who lived in the capital of the Chaco region and died this year, The Times of Israel reported.

The Resistencia Jewish community, the Hebraica of Resistencia Jewish Community Center and the local representative branch of the national Jewish umbrella group DAIA condemned the attack as “part of the anti-Semitic events that are taking place in Argentina, which threaten the coexistence and democratic values of society,”  calling on Argentinian authorities to investigate the matter.

Since the beginning of the year, Argentina has seen several instances of anti-Semitic aggression. In February, nine gravestones were vandalized in the Jewish cemetery of San Luis province.
