
MP Lashes Out at Merkel for Doing Too Little to Repair Relations With Russia, Playing to US Tune

Ahead of a visit by German lawmakers to Russia, one of them, Gregor Gysi from the left-wing party Die Linke, has accused Angela Merkel of failing to steer relations between the two countries out of the impasse in which they’ve been mired for years.

The number 2 in the Bundestag’s German-Russian group, Gregor Gysi, from Die Linke has told Sputnik that lifting tit-for-tat sanctions would help to solve international conflicts.

“The sanctions, imposed by the West, further aggravated the situation [in relations with Russia]. Russia responded with sanctions, too. That is why lifting them bilaterally would be a condition for renewing active dynamics in the dialogue between Germany and Russia”, Gysi stated, noting this demands that the German government take a corresponding stance.

According to Gysi, the country’s leadership has to stop being used by the Trump administration, something that applies to summits as well as the implementation of already agreed upon projects, such as the gas pipeline venture Nord Stream 2.

"This obliges Germany and Russia to take up responsibility for developing international relations, which should take interests of the other side into account if they want to achieve success”, the left-wing politician stated.

At the same time, he criticised Chancellor Angela Merkel and her government, saying that Russia and Germany are cooperating at a level which is lower than they need or are capable of achieving. According to Gysi, Merkel’s cabinet “does too little to steer relations out of the deadlock, in which they have been over many years”.

“Instead of focusing on German and European interests towards Russia, the federal government is more actively following the US administration’s lead, which counts on generating an arms race and geostrategic deterrence policy towards Russia”, Gysi said, noting that “peace and security in Europe and the world as a whole cannot be achieved without Russia or in confrontation with it”.

Gysi along with other German lawmakers is set to visit Russia within the next few days to discuss bilateral relations with Russian MPs and regional authorities.
