
Too Many Candidates, Too Little Time

Wednesday night kicked off the first of a two-day, 20-candidate debate series between a wide range of political hopefuls vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. From Spanglish to technical difficulties, the night included a series of unexpected occurrences both on and off the stage.

The Wednesday night, multi-million-viewer program included a total of five NBC-affiliated moderators throughout the night, but candidates such as New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Maryland Rep. John Delaney appeared to be uncontrollable, making multiple outbursts throughout the night in hopes of being heard.

In fact, there were so many people standing on the stage that moderators had to resort to a show of hands at times in order to gauge candidates’ positions on certain issues.

Mainstream outlets such as CNN and NBC are propping up former Housing Secretary Julián Castro, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker as the clear winners of Wednesday night’s debate for their to-the-point answers concerning immigration, gun reform and health care – as well as their social media buzz.

Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who notably fact-checked Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan for claiming the Taliban carried out the 9/11 attacks, received a lot of buzz after her Twitter account blasted MSNBC for favoritism toward Warren. However, it was actually Gabbard’s sister who authored the tweets.

US President Donald Trump, who originally told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he may live tweet the debate, took to simpler means of responding, highlighting his view of the program’s overall tone and mocking its technical difficulties. He left the heavy lifting of policy critiques to a number of other Trump campaign-affiliated accounts and officials.
