
Death Toll from Somalia's Hotel Attack Rises to 26 - Officials

The attack on the Asasey Hotel in Somalia's southern port city of Kismayo began on Friday evening and lasted more than 14 hours before Somali forces killed all the attackers, a local police officer said as quoted by the Associated Press.

The death toll from the attack on Somalia's hotel has risen to 26 people, with 56 more reported injured, the Associated Press reported, citing the country's officials.

Several foreigners were among those killed, including two Americans, one Canadian and one Briton, the president of Jubbaland regional state controlling Kismayo, Ahmed Madobe, said as quoted by the agency.

Death Toll from Somalia's Hotel Attack Rises to 26 - Officials

Somalia's Islamic extremist group al-Shabab, which is linked to al-Qaida, claimed responsibility for the attack. 

​The hotel was attacked when tribal elders, journalists and a candidate for the regional presidency were meeting inside to discuss the regional election which is due to take place in August, CNN has reported, citing local police captain Mahad Abdia. 



