Fault Lines

Can Nancy Pelosi Control Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Democrats in Congress?

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan discuss the shakeups that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has had with first-term members of her Congressional caucus impacting unity within the Democratic Party. Where are Democrats headed ideologically, and how will these disputes impact their election prospects in 2020?


Patrick Henningsen - Journalist & Founder of 21stCenturyWire.com | United Kingdom Politics, Brexit & The European Union

Mark Sleboda - International Relations & Security Analyst | Ukrainian President Zelensky's Efforts to Govern

Ted Rall - Political Cartoonist & Syndicated Columnist | Nancy Pelosi's Disputes with First-Term Congresswomen in her Caucus

Caleb Maupin - Journalist & Political Analyst | US Foreign Policy Trajectory & The Global Financial System

Niko House - Political Activist & Broadcast Journalist | Tulsi Gabbard's Relationship with the Democratic Party & Nancy Pelosi's Challenges

For the duration of today's program, the hosts are joined in-studio by Journalist Patrick Henningsen to analyze a variety of major news stories taking place both domestically and internationally. A few major issues that Henningsen will address in detail are the political situation in the United Kingdom, the future of Brexit, and the dynamics between countries within the European Union.

New Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stormed to victory a few months ago when he defeated the incumbent Petro Poroshenko, but Zelensky is now looking for a favorable result in upcoming Parliamentary Elections to make his hope to govern effectively more realistic. International Relations Analyst Mark Sleboda returns to 'Fault Lines' to talk about Zelensky's time in office thus far, Ukraine's upcoming Parliamentary Elections, comparisons to prior administrations, and the current state of US-Ukrainian relations.

Democratic leadership in Congress and first-term members of their caucus have publicly battled over the direction of the Party and policy priorities with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at the center of these disagreements. Political Cartoonist & Syndicated Columnist Ted Rall joins the show to give his take on the rift within the Democratic Party, how President Trump is looking to exploit this dynamic, and what a progressive vision for the future of the Democratic Party means in practice.

Similar to prior administrations, President Trump has continued US foreign policy on a trajectory which can be seen as favorable for the Military-Industrial-Complex. Journalist Caleb Maupin joins today's episode to talk about how actions taken by elected officials differ from their campaign promises, what has prevented President Trump from taking major military action to this point, the importance of oil in the global financial system, and how international events and the financial system are connected.

Following, the first round of Democratic Presidential debates, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard saw her profile increase as she was introduced to many new voters for the first time. Niko House, a Political Activist & Broadcast Journalist, joins the hosts to discuss Gabbard's relationship with the Democratic Party establishment, the shakeup between Nancy Pelosi and first-term members of Congress including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the importance of social media in modern elections.

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