
Google Fined $11,000 For Non-Compliance With Russian Legislation

The measure comes in response to Google's selective filtration of search results. Russian state telecom watchdog Roskomnadzor has earlier threatened to fine the tech giant, adding that all formal procedures will be enacted by the end of July.

Google has been fined $11,000 over a breach of the Russian legislation by failing to exclude links to sites with illicit content from its search results, according to Roskomnadzor.

The watchdog said that more than a third of the links from the unified registry of illicit content remains in the search results.

"Monitoring activities have revealed that Google makes selective filtering of search results. More than a third of links from the single registry of illegal content is stored in the search. A 700,000 rubles ($11,000) fine has been imposed on Google", the statement said.

In June, the head of Roskomnadzor vowed to fine the tech juggernaut for violating Russian laws, adding that the formal procedures would be enacted by the end of July.

In May, Roskomnadzor experts established that Google had violated the Russian law on information by selectively filtering the search results.

Earlier this year, Roskomnadzor fined the tech giant $7,520 for failing to adhere to the law requiring all search engines to filter and block content from websites flagged as illegal in a special registry.
