
Shark Jumps in Front of Fishermen, Slaps Boat With Tail (Video)

A group of people fishing in Cape Cod Bay in the US state of Massachusetts had a 'wow' moment when a shark nearly jumped into their boat, slapping the edges with its tail.

A shark jumped out of the water right in front of a boat containing a group of people fishing in Cape Cod Bay, MassLive reported.

Marc Costa, who has been captaining charter boats in the area for years, shared details of the scary encounter:

"We have just gone out and got two fish on," he told MassLive. "Bringing the fish in, you can see what happened. That animal came up and grabbed the fish, right there. Right in our faces. It was pretty cool."

The family on the boat, including a boy, can be heard yelling in shock as the shark's jump was caught on camera.
