
UK Justice Secretary David Gauke Ages Himself and Rory Stewart via FaceApp Ahead of Resignation

Several ministers have already quit, including education minister Anne Milton, who resigned minutes before Johnson was elected leader 23rd July, stating she had “grave concerns about leaving the EU without a deal”. Foreign & Commonwealth Office minister Alan Duncan quit a day prior, and digital minister Margot James resigned last week.

In advance of his resignation, UK Justice Secretary David Gauke has posted a picture on Twitter of himself and Secretary of State for International Development Rory Stewart as old men using FaceApp, stating he hoped to return to government “one day”.

Gauke is one of several pro-remain ministers due to leave the government as newly-elected Prime Minister Boris Johnson prepares to take the reins from Theresa May - they may well be jumping before they’re pushed, as Johnson is expected to fill his cabinet with hardcore Brexiteers.

​Others expected to leave include Chancellor Philip Hammond and Cabinet Office minister David Lidington. They will submit their resignations following May's final Prime Minister's Questions at noon, before she goes to Buckingham Palace to officially resign.

In their place, several MPs will be promoted and reinstated, among them Priti Patel, sacked by May less than two years ago - it’s rumoured she could be appointed Home Secretary.

​However, there are suggestions Johnson could face a vote of no confidence immediately upon taking office - Labour's shadow international trade secretary Barry Gardiner has said his party was in discussions with some Conservative MPs about the prospect.

