
'Bucket of Heads' and Cooler With Male Genitalia Found in Raid at US Body Donation Centre - Report

Thirty-three plaintiffs have accused the Biological Resource Centre in Phoenix, Arizona in the US of selling bodies to various middlemen and bad storage of body parts, saying the remains of their family members were obtained through "false statements".

New disturbing details in the 2014 "body brokers" case have been made public for the first time, the Azfamily website reported.

According to reports, one of the FBI agents involved in the matter has testified about "various unsettling scenes" he saw at the site. 

He reportedly found a "cooler filled with male genitalia", "a bucket of heads, arms and legs", "infected heads" and a small woman's head sewn onto a large male torso "like Frankenstein" hanging up on the wall, one of the most troubling findings called a "morbid joke" in the lawsuit, the Azfamily website reported.

"This is a horror story. It’s just unbelievable! This story is unbelievable", said Troy Harp, who donated bodies of his mother and grandmother to Biological Resource Centre in 2012 and 2013, with the belief their bodies would be utilised for scientific purposes.

The FBI raided the body donation facility that is now shuttered in 2014, as part of a multi-state probe into the illegal trafficking and sale of human body parts.

The lawsuit against the Biological Resource Centre is still ongoing. The case is set for trial on 21 October in Maricopa County Superior Court.
