
‘Turban F**ker’: Transgender Woman in Genital Waxing Case Mocked Muslims in Private Chats – Report

Canadian transgender woman Jessica Yaniv is suing over a dozen waxologists for denying her services. Yaniv has not had gender reassignment surgery yet and still has male private parts – which was a problem for some beauticians – but still insists that her constitutional rights have been violated.

A Canadian media source has unearthed text messages allegedly sent by controversial trans-woman Jessica Yaniv that have cast further doubt on the Canadian's insistence on having a 'human right' to get her scrotum waxed.

According to video and text messages purportedly provided by a woman to The Post Millennial news site, Yaniv explicitly vented a distaste for ethnic minorities.

In one Snapchat video, a person thought to be Jessica Yaniv says: “This turban f**ker… They drive me crazy. They should not be allowed in Canada. I swear, they just piss me off.”

Screenshots of text exchanges show that Yaniv sent a photo of two veiled women walking through a mall with a baby stroller, captioned with cry laughing emojis.

In an unearthed Facebook message, Yaniv mocked a Sikh person, saying that “their turban must be on too tight” and is “affecting blood circulation to their brain”.

Yaniv also appears to have ranted: “We have a lot of immigrants here who gawk and judge and aren’t exactly the cleanest people. They’re also verbally and physically abuse that’s one main reason why I joined a girl’s gym, 'cause I don’t want issues with these people, nor do I want anything to do with them in any way, shape or form.”

Moreover, Yaniv has allegedly called for immigration raids to target the Canadian city of Surrey, BC, which has been home to a major Sikh community for more than a century and where fewer than two out of every five people have European ancestry.

The Snapchat messages appear to have been sent by a person nicknamed ‘trustednerd’ (the same username she is using on Twitter), while the person in the Facebook exchange was named Jessica and had Yaniv’s current profile picture. Yaniv neither confirmed nor denied the authenticity of these messages, and also gave no comments on the report.

A Wax to Grind

It is understood that some of these communications were presented by the defence team during the proceedings at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, where Yaniv is currently suing 16 female aestheticians for denying her intimate waxing services.

Jessica Yaniv – whose birth name is Johnathan – describes herself as a woman, but has not had gender reassignment surgery and thus has biologically male genitalia.

Yaniv claims, however, that this is irrelevant to the case and that denying services on the grounds of her gender identity qualifies as transphobic discrimination. Yaniv claims to have been denied haircuts, arm and leg waxing, and other services, although the Brazilian wax is at the centre of the case.

The Post Millennial earlier reported that one defendant in the case had told the judge that Yaniv, who is also dogged by accusations of sexual misconduct, had specifically targeted women with immigrant backgrounds.

One of them is said to be a Sikh woman, whose religion forbids her to touch the genitals of men other than her husband.

The tribunal is expected to rule on the case within three months.
