
Marianne Williamson a Twitter Sensation After Democratic Debate With 'Yada Yada' & 'Dark Power'

The first night of the second Democratic debates for the nomination of the Democratic Party candidate for the 2020 US presidential election began in Detroit on Tuesday. 20 people were nominated, which has never happened in the history of the United States. Therefore, the debates had to be divided into two days.

At first nobody took independent candidate Marianne Williamson seriously, but after the first round of Democratic debates, she had performed so well that some Democrats began to express real interest in the outsider. 

During the first night of the second Democratic debates, Marianne Williamson’s phrase about Trump’s “dark psychic force” became the biggest internet moment of the night.

Moreover, she said that the Democratic Party shouldn’t be surprised that so many Americans believe “yada, yada, yada”, referring to an episode of the 90s sitcom “Seinfeld” where George Costanza’s girlfriend using the term “yada, yada, yada” to gloss over significant parts of stories. 

​Williamson's speech quickly became a hot topic in social medias.

​Her unique style has turned Marianne Williamson into an internet sensation.

​Williamson has been a primary source of political memes during the latest debates. 

Marianne Williamson is an American New Age and self-help genre writer. She has published 11 books, four of which have become top-ranking New York Times best-sellers. Her books have sold more than 300 thousand copies all over the world.
