
Kentucky Dem Party Capitalizes on ‘Moscow Mitch’ Merchandise – Report

Who doesn’t want to make an extra buck while engaging in some good old McCarthyism?

The Kentucky branch of the US Democratic Party has launched a line of merchandise, targeting US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, by playing on his recently-coined pejorative nickname, “Moscow Mitch.”

The nickname came into existence last week, with the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank hilariously suggesting that McConnell is a “Russian asset” because he blocked two bills aimed at changing US election security measures. 

The Kentucky merchandise features a stylized image of McConnell and the slogan “Just Say nyet! [no] to Moscow Mitch.”

​Sadly, Kentucky Dems fail to realize that it is 2019, and the merchandise is designed in a heavily-Soviet Union style, complete with lots of red and a Hammer and Sickle emblem.

That doesn’t stop folks from pulling out their wallets, however, as, According to a Dem press release, the merchandise has earned some $200,000 over a 48 hour period.

The Kentucky branch of the Democratic Party said it had received orders for the merchandise from voters in all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia.

Nicole Erwin, communications director for the Kentucky Democratic Party, said the Moscow Mitch merchandise line will be available “as long as people are interested in this,” according to Fox News.

Following the Washington Post criticism, McConnell strongly condemned the fallout, calling it “modern-day McCarthyism,” and adding that this kind of rhetoric is “is toxic, and damaging, because of the way it warps our entire public discourse.”

Which is pretty telling, coming from a lawmaker who voted against the 2010 New Start nuclear treaty.
