
No Way Epstein Could Have Organised His Suicide Himself, Former Teflon Don's Associate Says

Jeffrey Epstein, a 66-year-old financier who was accused of organising child sex trafficking and assaulting over 30 underage girls, was found dead in the Metropolitan Correctional Centre in Lower Manhattan on 9 August. Conflicting reports indicate that he could have been on suicide watch at the time.

Lewis Kasman, a former close confidant of late famous mob boss John Gotti (also known as Teflon Don), said in an interview with the New York Post that there was no way that Jeffrey Epstein could have committed suicide by himself without external assistance in the Metropolitan Correctional Centre (MCC), citing constant camera surveillance of prisoners that would have detected such an attempt.

Kasman, who regularly visited Gotti in the MCC in 1992, revealed that despite the strict conditions and surveillance, prisoners with money could afford things that others couldn't.

"That facility for years had issues of corruption, with correction officers bringing in food or cellphones for wealthy people", he said.

The late mobster's confidant argued that Epstein could have organised his suicide by paying a hefty sum to a corrupt officer in the prison.

"If he killed himself someone had to have helped him [...]Someone had to give [Epstein] the equipment to kill himself and he had to pay for it dearly", Kasman said.

To further substantiate his theory that Epstein could have received external help, Kasman recalled information that he received from an unnamed source that US Attorney General William Barr had allegedly visited the MCC in secret after Epstein was found unconscious in his cell after, something which is believed by some to have been his first, unsuccessful, suicide attempt.

Sputnik could not independently verify the statements made by Lewis Kasman or by the sources he cited in his interview with the New York Post.

The accused financier reportedly had marks around his neck after the incident and was allegedly put on suicide watch. Despite this, he managed to end his own life on 10 August in his cell. According to a report by The New York Times, citing an anonymous source, Epstein was taken off suicide watch on 29 July.

No Way Epstein Could Have Organised His Suicide Himself, Former Teflon Don's Associate Says

His apparent suicide has generated numerous conspiracy theories, ranging from Epstein receiving assistance in killing himself to being outright murdered. Several US politicians have already demanded that a thorough investigation into the circumstances that led to his demise be launched.

Jeffrey Epstein was accused of organising the sex trafficking of underage girls for wealthy and famous clients and of assaulting over 30 girls himself. Epstein pleaded not guilty to the charges, for which he would have faced up to 45 years in prison if convicted.
