
Visitors Flee UK Pier as Mysterious Substance Starts Burning Their Eyes, Makes Them Vomit on Spot

Following the incident, the whole waterfront was sealed off by police, who have so far failed to specify what substance the visitors were exposed to before starting to experience the unpleasant effects.

Visitors at Worthing Pier in the UK and nearby beaches were hastily evacuated after some of them started suffering from a burning sensation in their eyes and vomiting. A Sussex Police report mentioned a "hazardous material incident" that occurred in Worthing on the same day.

Police have cordoned off the pier, seafront, and a nearby road, which was shortly reopened, also advising residents to shut their windows and doors without giving any detailed information. Police officers were seen investigating the Worthing Pier.

"A small number of people have reported symptoms including sore eyes and vomiting. The investigation is ongoing and we will release more information as soon as we are able to", the police said.

A number of people have complained on social media that they experienced "sore" or "itchy" eyes, while sitting at the beach or simply cycling through the town.
