
Alyssa Milano Splits Netizens With Initiative to Help Dems Win Swing States in 2020

Noting how the Democrats lost in the three key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by a slim margin in 2016, Alyssa Milano has vowed to prevent it from happening again in 2020.

American actress and political activist Alyssa Milano has announced a new initiative aimed at securing victory for Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in the 2020 presidential election.

The goal of her so called "2020 Fund", which is partnered with Movement Voter Project, is to "raise money for three of the best local grassroots organisations" in each of the three states which Milano described as "the most critical 2020 swing states," according to a statement on the fund’s website.

"These organizations empower youth, immigrants, women, people of color, and communities facing the worst of Republicans’ horrible policies. They fight tirelessly on the issues AND Get Out The Vote," the actress wrote.

She also complained on Twitter that in 2016, Democrats lost these states "by 77k votes," and that she "will not allow that to happen again," urging people to donate to her cause.

Her message elicited a mixed response on social media, as many praised her initiative and expressed their intent to contribute to it.

However, there were also those who were less thrilled with Milano’s scheme, with a number of people openly voicing their support for Donald Trump.
