
Strange Flying Objects Spotted During Tornado in Amsterdam Spark UFO Theories Online

A strange object seen above the Dutch capital triggered a lot of talk online about possible extraterrestrial craft sightings and even “dark angels” showing up, but at least one social media user has offered a much more mundane and logical explanation.

A peculiar phenomenon was recently observed in the skies above Amsterdam just as a tornado swept across the city centre last week.

A video uploaded on YouTube channel Mavi777, depicts what appears to be a strange glowing object soaring in the sky near the top of the swirling column, with a caption claiming that the footage was recorded on 10 August. The veracity of the video could not be immediately confirmed.

This unusual sight led a number of social media users to suspect a possible UFO appearance, with one of them, "Joshua B", even claiming that "these UFO's and the plasma Orb ‘lights’" are "the fallen ones" – "dark angels" that "cauterise and kill animals for genetic parts and suck all the blood out as sacrifice."

But at least one netizen, "Emma Clowes" offered a more mundane explanation, arguing that the objects were merely weather drones sent to gauge the power of the raging weather phenomenon.

Earlier, another peculiar sight was caught on camera in the Brazilian sky, where a T-shaped shining object was seen moving from one cloud to another.
