
Video of ‘Unusual’ Su-57 Landing Amid 2019 MAKS Air Show Opening Puzzles Netizens

Su-57 multipurpose jet fighter
The Sukhoi Su-57, in development since 2002, as a part of Russia’s 5th Generation fighter programme is set to debut before the general public at the Russian Aviation Salon. The plane has been offered to the Indian Air Force, and other countries are also expected to consider purchases during the MAKS 2019.

A video released by the public group “Voyennyy Osvedomitel'” on Russian social media network "VK" on 26 August showed an unusual landing by the much-awaited Sukhoi Su-57 jet at Russia's Zhukovsky Airport, with the plane releasing drogue parachutes before touching the ground.

The video was captured during preparations for the MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Salon, which will commence 27 August in the Moscow region, Russia.
Some Twitter users suggested that this is a “new word” or a “new method” of short-runway landing, noting that it looked “spectacular”, as the jet came down on landing gear with much more significant force than during a standard landing. Some viewers also noted that it could have just been a pilot error or even an act of hooliganism.

​"Of course, it looks spectacular. I don't know what loads the Su-57 landing gear was designed for, if this is the way it was supposed to land - then this is a new word in landings. If the pilot was fooling around, then in our regiment; we would've gotten a flight suspension for that kind of stunt. Dropping a plane 2-3 meters before touchdown would totally destroy its struts" - the tweet reads. 

"Is this a mistake or a new short-run landing method with the release of a drogue parachute before touching? It seemed to me that he plopped down on the struts with a much greater load than in a standard landing" - commented user named Dave. 

"In fact - this is something very unusual"

Nevertheless, the video still demonstrated the strength of Russia's 5th Generation supersonic Su-57 jet's landing gear – currently the only Russian stealth fighter equipped with this type of low-visibility-enhancing technology. The jet has been in development since 2002 with the first production aircraft expected to be delivered to the Russian Aerospace Force by the end of 2019.

The export version of Sukhoi Su-57 will be presented to the public during the MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Salon on Tuesday, 27 August, and delivery of the new stealth fighters has already proposed to the Indian Air Force (IAF). India's Chief of Air Staff Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa said that the IAF would consider the offer after the jets are fully deployed by the Russian Aerospace Force currently awaiting 76 planes from Rostec State Corporation, according to Zeenews.

India is not the only country considering the purchase of the supersonic aircraft, with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attending the MAKS airshow in Zhukovsky on 27 August, accompanied by Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Salon will be held from 27 August to 1 September in Zhukovsky city near Moscow and will present five new aircraft and helicopters developed by the Russian Corporation Rostec.
