
Two Su-34s Collide in Sky Over Russian City of Lipetsk - Reports

During a training flight in the Lipetsk region, two Su-34 fighter-bomber planes collided; fortunately, the pilots managed to land both planes, the Russian news media outlet REN-TV reported.

According to reports, the warplanes made contact with one another in the air due to a loss of visual contact.

“The leader hit the wingman with the end of the wing by the cockpit; while trying to turn their jets away, they collided again. At the same time, debris got into the engine of one of the planes,” an unnamed source told REN-TV media outlet.

Both aircraft managed to land successfully and no-one was injured.

However, both aircraft sustained serious damage. The cabin, engine and fuselage of one of the planes were damaged. The wingtip was ripped off the other, which contained equipment that was part of its electronic countermeasures system.
